Sunday, September 20, 2009


Where do I start?  I guess, I'll begin with the title, LifeBoat Tales.  Why did I choose that? Well, the shortest definition of a lifeboat is a boat used for rescue.  I prefer the more extended version...a strong, seaworthy boat kept in readiness on the shore for use in rescuing people in danger of drowning. 

There have been times in my life where I have felt just like that....either that I am drowning or that I am in need of rescue.  For me, the lifeboat symbolizes God. I know that no matter how rough the waters may seem, that He will save me.  However, I don't just want my relationship with God to be one where I turn to Him in hard times. Instead, I want a deep, personal, intimate relationship with Him. I want to be able to talk to Him, really share my life with Him. You know, all the nitty gritty details, all the things I try to hide from myself and others.  Those little thoughts that sometimes you have, the ones you wonder, "where did that come from?!" I realize that He knows everything inside and out about me, without me having to utter a word, but I want to be able to face Him with who I really am.

So, I'll be writing all about that. My quest for an intimate relationship with God and the ways that I am seeking Him out. Yet, there is another side to all of this. It kind of goes hand and hand with my quest.

I am in love.  I am in love with a wonderful, awesome man. I could go on and on about him but there'll be plenty of time for that. I am sure, in time, you'll be like, "get together already and save us!" As in any relationship, there are issues, right?  Well, our biggest one happens to be distance.  I couldn't tell you how many miles apart we are because I have no clue (directions, miles - it doesn't matter, we are apart!) but it's pretty darn far.  Many times, I have to depend on my lifeboat to rescue me when it seems unbearable. And, believe me, that happens more often than I like.  However, it does make one more appreciative of what they have. It's almost been one year that he moved and it's only through my faith in God, as well as my faith in our relationship and in my boyfriend, that I can see past the distance.  It hasn't been easy, and not always smooth sailing, but we have made it thus far. 

As I said, for me, it all goes together.  I can't have one without the other. So, my writings will be about both and about much.  There are so many intricate details in life, right? It isn't ever about just one thing.


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