Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Game

It's Saturday night and here I am. I had planned to watch the Purdue/Notre Dame game and drink some wine. Instead, I find myself watching the game and reflecting on the past week during the commercials. Poor Purdue, they're having it a little rough right now.  They're missing their tackles and not scoring. Yet, there is hope. Why?  They're at home, in their stadium and they have their fans standing behind them, cheering them on. Anything is possible.

My week was a bit like that. It began with me having to walk into my bosses office to turn in my resignation.  I felt guilty. Like most, I hate letting others down. I considered putting it off until later in the week, but as I sat at my desk, God gave me a big shot of courage. I knew I had to do it right then and there. As the week progressed, my news was spread to my team and throughout the office.  The phone calls and emails began expressing surprise and sadness.  Of course, it feels great to know that you are wanted and will be missed, but for me, it only deepened the guilt. So, when I walked out the door Thursday, it felt like a weight had been least, until Monday. I guess it'll be like that until my last day.

Plans are made to be changed, right?  Yesterday, when I woke up, I didn't plan on having my day end in the emergency room.  Actually, my plans were to have lunch with my oldest son and at some point, go hang out at the museum. Instead, I received that dreaded phone call from school.  The one that goes something like, "I'm sorry, your son has been in an accident and needs to go to the emergency room", and gets your heart racing. Thankfully, it wasn't too serious. What a guy, he's milking it with the girls, getting their sympathy and such.  (Is that innate or learned??)

I realize just how blessed I am.  The economy is horrible right now, jobs are hard to come by and the competition is fierce.  Yet, I was fortunate to have an opportunity pretty much handed to me.  Then, even more importantly, my son was very blessed that his injury could be taken care of with just stitches.  No concussion or anything worse.  Thank God!!

Purdue almost had it.  They came back strong in the end and gave it their best shot.  They didn't plan on losing the game.  Yet, even through it all, they had their fans rooting for them. They didn't give up hope.  Like them, there are things that come our way and our plans are changed.  Sometimes it's for the better. Other times, it may be hard to see any good. We forget our biggest fan is standing right next to us...God, our Father. He also puts others in our lives to cheer us on, just in case we overlook that He is there.  In my case, my guy (who happens to be at the Purdue/Notre Dame game....why else would I be watching it??)

Anything is possible............   

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