Monday, September 21, 2009

The Why Question

As I drove in to work this morning, I had the same conversation that I have with God on a daily basis.  You know, the one that goes something along the lines, "Why can't this happen yet? Why do I have to be patient? Why does it have to be this way? Why?" I am sure He is probably as tired of hearing it as I am tired of wondering it.  But, I can't seem to help it, I still ask. (Shame on me!!)

Today, as most days, my frustration was with the distance between my guy and myself.  I was remembering what it was like to wake up beside him, sometimes opening my eyes before him and just gazing upon his sleepy form.  I always had that desire to just reach out and run my hands through his hair.  Instead, afraid of waking him up, I would chose to watch the way his body moved with his every breath, ever so slowly rising and falling.  I would listen to the soft moans that escaped through his lips. Ok, I have it bad!! Did I tell you that I really dislike this distance?!

As I was remembering all of this and trying to remind myself that the reasons we are apart are good ones, God must have thumped me on the head.  All of a sudden, I had this little thought...there has to be some reasons to be thankful for the distance, even little, itty, bitty ones.

So, after much thought, I came up with these.....

My reasons to be thankful for our long distance relationship:
  • I don't have to wonder if I'll scare him if I don't have my makeup on
  • I don't have to try to look my best all day long
  • I don't have to shave every day
  • I can lay in bed, eatting chocolate candy in frumpy clothes (yes, I have some!), and watch Lifetime without being laughed at if tears start to fall  
  • I can burp out loud if I want (hey, it's fun sometimes to be like a guy!)
  • I don't have to think twice about going to the restroom
  • I can use all the toilet paper I want!!
  • I don't have to worry if he knows that I am PMS'ing (the truth is, he can tell even over the phone but I pretend that he has no clue)
  • I can be bloaty and crampy (again, PMS) and not have to try to hold in my belly or try to fit into my skinny clothes
  • I can have a zit break out without being terribly conscious of it
  • I can eat my hot corn, chili, parmesan cheese and mayonnaise mixture without grossing him out
  • I can be lazy on the weekends and wake up as late as I want (like when I was a teenager!)
  • I can have a dirty car (in my defense, it's been really clean the last few months)
Good reasons, eh?

Still, still....why, oh why, do we have to be apart??

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that the vast majority of what you think are positive reasons for being apart have more to do with hiding yourself from "him" than anything else. Wouldn't the greatest gift of seperation have much more to do with having the breathing room neccesary to discover those infinite parts of yourself you can then share with "him"?
    Discovery is often a solitary journey. You are blessed that you can present "him" with a new and improved "you", all garnished from the you that is discovered whilst away. Just a thought...
